Mindset, Learning, Collaboration

What drives you? What holds you back?

A recent study in New Zealand of 700 businesses conducted by “The Ice House” asked what motivates their business drive:

  • 25% Passion
  • 20% Customer Satisfaction
  • 20% Making a name for themselves
  • 12% Achieving Goals
  • 18% Family
  • 7% Financial Success


The same survey also looked at what was holding business owners back:

  • 36% Lack of finance
  • 21% Themselves
  • 20% Time Management
  • 12% Staff
  • 6% Customer Growth
  • 4% Market Environment

When you look at the results some wise courses of action could result:

Passion, making a name for themselves, and customer satisfaction motivations revolve around customer perception of the business. The needs of the customer are being fulfilled and the customers are telling the business that. The business operates without hassles, the staff are all on the same page and what the business wants and can provide is clearly communicated. When you combine the traits that are holding back business you find that:

1.       The need more money

2.       They lack confidence in themselves

3.       They are not focussed on the use of there time

The gem is that only 12% are driven by goals! I would see this as a perception of goals being a series of financial goals not measurements of passion, customer satisfaction and brand recognition/buy-in from customers and staff!

What if these businesses sat back and at least reviewed their planning and even had a fresh look at where they were heading? They know they are being held back by certain factors! Why not do something about it! We can help at least by getting the business to start to think about planning.

Have a look and complete the business and personal plan surveys. The surveys themselves are free!

 Andrew Ephick 

One half of the Anywhere Team NZ

Feedback is appreciated!

You can follow us on facebook or our website!

Working from home tools

Working from home- goals and plans

If you are going to truely benefit from being in business for yourself and working from home you need to have a plan and set yourself some goals. Working from home should be taken as seriously as working for an employer. The only person you are accountable to is yourself and you need to take that seriously.

Click the link through to the blog on my website and find out how to do this. Let me know what you think.

Kerri Bainbridge

Anywhere Team NZ

What does it take to be a successful importer?

Can anyone import products and be successful?

As you can see in the video I made a leisurely 400-kilometer trip through the most picturesque part of New Zealand my home country. Before I left I spent 3.5 hours in training learning digital skills.  In order to perform well in today’s society a person in business must acquire digital skills. My Trip took me from Greymouth mid-west coast to Motueka in the heart of the Tasman district. I could not help noticing the parallels in our two provisional towns and the next day in Nelson. That is the large numbers of retail shops that were vacant. The names on the shoes indicated clothing, shoes, gift shops, booksellers, specialty shops, food and beverage shops once stood there. I can see that drink driving laws have taken a heavy toll on food and beverage sales but I had to find other reasons for the other types of retail.

Direct imports of foreign goods are increasing at an ever increasing rate. Just click on the two links below and find out how much things cost by direct import by you the consumer! Retail trade by consumers in New Zealand is largely conducted in this way! I see also that food and beverage are affected by digital disruption. Consumer decisions are frequently conducted online before a person goes out and decisions on consumption are already made before people get to the restaurant or café!

Ali Express                                           Reading List For Sale

What is needed is for business people learn the digital skills to get the businesses online to harness the online market. People who are successfully selling online have digital skills. Its not easy. You need to learn specific marketing skills and to understand how to reach the market you are aiming for. So what does it take?

We can help… signup, click the links on this page or at least go to our website to commence the process! Remember you can follow us on facebook too!

Andrew Elphick

Team NZ Anywhere Business Network

What are the cost drivers of your business?


When you are in business you can only operate if you have sufficient money to pay for the goods and services that you need to produce goods and services. If you put money into your business make it count! Ask yourself in spending that money what will be the outcomes.

Spending can be classified in other ways:

  1. Short term spending … 1 month and its gone

These are items you need to operate. Examples include telecommunication costs, hosting plans, the costs of where you are conducting business. They can vary with the size of the business you operate. Advertising campaigns. Products

  1. Medium term spending… 12 months and its gone

This may include items such as subscriptions to services you need such as aweber, zoom, learning systems, accounting products, cellphones, computers, networking, services!

  1. Long term spending …. What you spend you always have

Mindset, the brand, website (you will still have to maintain it as a short term cost), knowledge.

Spending behaves in different ways to:

  1. It is fixed and may not always reoccur

This may include Incorporation costs, registering intellectual property, finance application fees, business planning fees.

  1. It is fixed but stepped with the size of operations

This may include telecommunications, hosting plans, website, learning systems, loan repayments. It is variable and depends on sales. This may include outsourcing graphics, copy writers, costs of social media campaigns.

The above lists are not exhaustive but my point is to determine what the costs are and plan out how they will behave when you are planning your business!

Andrew Elphick

One half of the Anywhere Business Team NZ

Follow us on our website or on facebook

Change is constant having mindset skills helps!

Mindset skills are essential to cope with change!

Who would have thought that with global warming change is starting to affect our mindset? The search for more sustainability and a sense of being it a constant state of change is creating apprehension in some of us. You can take my approach to the latest event.

My first real cyclone (ITA) put my business without power during a busy time and made me fully aware that I needed to be able to cope. As well as contingency plans to operate and be able to be contacted, stress levels were high. Then my mindset was not as it was today. I have evolved with my mindset.


You too can start a new approach to change it just takes a change in mindset! Have a look at our selections of blogs!




Half of Anywhere Business Network

3 Tips for planning your time when you work from home

Setting Goals Planning Comment

Only you know how much time you can dedicate to your business. Good time management will help you get the most out of your day so you can achieve your goals. Dont fall into the trap of planning to do things and then be distracted by friends, family, jobs around the house, animals, a good book or a chance to get out in the sunshine. You can still do all these things and give all these things the attention you want to but with a little time managment you will achieve much more.

Here are some essential tools and tips for helping you manage your time.

1. Have a diary

Make sure you have a diary in which you set up some core hours you will dedicate to your business.

It will be up to you to decide if this is an electronic diary or physical one. If you don’t have a diary you will always feel torn when you are asked by friends to join them for coffee, exercise, lunches etc.  An electronic diary is more portable and lighter. You can set up your to-do-lists in there too.

2. Set your core business hours

The distractions -Groceries still need to be bought, cleaning, washing, school drop offs, after school activities and lunches and dinners need to be made. All this needs to be considered when you are planning your working week from home.

Consider working longer some days so you have days available for the odd lunch or coffee date. Or start later so you can start the day doing exercise or catching up with friends. Working for yourself often means we can fit in work after hours when the kids are in bed or on the weekends when your partner is home or you know the kids will play happily for an hour.

When you look at the core hours you have to work with, ask yourself if that is enough time to get all you need to get done, done. If not, you may have to change some of your social time hours. We think it will be easy to fit all our friends in for coffees but in reality it’s still often better to leave our social time to after school or the weekends. Until you do this exercise you won’t know what is possible.

3. Let people know your work hours

Once your schedule is set let family, friends and clients know your core hours. It is useful for your clients too to know when they can easily get hold of you. The sooner people who know you know your “work hours” the less they will ask you to join them during those times. Less distractions.

In summary:

Have a diary
Decide on your core hours each day
Let family, friends and clients know what your core hours are

Why do I choose to have a home business?

Aptitude or Attitude

A number of people have asked me what motivates me to be in home business. There are of course the benefits of spending time with my family and of course money, but the real reason is that it inspires me. In order to do this work, I had to change my attitude. It makes me think of a question someone asked me many years ago -what is more important aptitude or attitude? Here is what I said:(watch video)

This question helped me to find my reason for working from home and I strive to maintain my work/life balance. It made me think about what the most important thing to me was……. it was to spend time with my children and grand children and having that attitude was important! If you enjoyed the video you share this post!

Follow us on facebook or on our Website

Andrew Elphick

Half of Anywhere Team NZ

How will the millennials affect your business?


Who are they?

The millennial generation, born between 1980 and 2000 now entering employment in
very high numbers, will shape the world of work for years to come. Attracting the best of these millennial workers to your business, as an employee or consumer, is critical to the future of your business. Their career aspirations, attitudes about work, and knowledge of new technologies will define the culture of the 21st century workplace. Simon Sinek covers it well in the video above.

Why does it matter?

Millennials matter because they are not only different from those that have gone before, they are also more numerous than any since the soon-to-retire Baby Boomer generation – millennials already form 25% of the workforce in the US and account for over half of the population in India. By 2020, millennials will form 50% of the global workforce (always good to have the stats).

But although they will soon outnumber their Generation X predecessors (like me), they remain in short supply, particularly in parts of the world where birth rates have been lower. They will also be more valuable – this generation will work to support a significantly larger older generation as life expectancy increases.

How do millenials see “work”?

It’s clear that millennials will be a powerful generation of workers and that those with the right skills will be in high demand. Attracting and keeping younger workers is one of the biggest talent challenges for businesses employing them. They may be able to command not only creative reward packages by today’s standards, but also influence the way they work, where they work and how they operate in the workplace.

Are they that different to past generations? It’s true to say that some of the behaviour and attributes of millennials can be explained by their age and relative lack of responsibilities. Our behaviour and priorities change and adapt as we age, but to dismiss the issues entirely on that basis would be a mistake.

What sets them apart?

Millennials’ use of technology clearly sets them apart. One of the defining characteristics of the millennial generation is their affinity with the digital world. They have grown up with broadband, smartphones, laptops and social media being the norm and expect instant access to information. This is the first generation to enter the workplace with a better grasp of a key business tools than more senior workers.

It’s more than just the way they use technology its the way they behave too that makes today’s youth different. Their behaviour is coloured by their experience of the global economic crisis and they place much more emphasis on their personal needs than on those of the organisation.

Millennials tend to be uncomfortable with rigid corporate structures and turned off by information silos. They expect rapid progression, a varied and interesting career and constant feedback. In other words, millennials want a management style and corporate culture that is very different from anything that has gone before – that is, one that meets their needs.

The particular characteristics of millennials – such as their ambition and desire to keep learning and move quickly upwards through an organisation, as well as their willingness to move on quickly if their expectations are not being met – requires a focused response from employers. Millennials want a flexible approach to work, but very regular feedback and encouragement. They want to feel their work is worthwhile and that their efforts are being recognised. They value similar things in an employer brand as they do in a consumer brand. These are all characteristics that employers can actively address.

Businesses like Google and Apple have been successfully attracting talented millennials because they are naturally innovative employers who are never restrained by ‘how things used to be done’, their culture, management style and approach to recruitment and retention naturally appeal to the millennial generation. And because of that, they are able to take their pick of the best younger talent around.

Irrespective of your long-term aims and ambitions for your business, it will be your ability to attract and retain millennial talent will be a vital step to the success of your business because they are not only your employees but your consumers.

In summary

Millennials want a flexible approach to work, regular feedback and encouragement, to feel their work is worthwhile and that their efforts are being recognised. They also value similar things in an employer brand as they do in a consumer brand. In other words if they buy your product they will want to work for you. If they like what you stand for, they will want to work for you. It will all be about what is in it for them. You need to learn now how to feed the machine that is here now. Interact with it (collaborate), develop a healthy mindset to working with it (mindset) and learn about how it works (learning).

Kerri Bainbridge

One half of the Anywhere Team NZ

Collaboration, Mindset, Learning

Snack size communication is changing the way we communicate

Snack size communication is changing the way we communicate

Like a healthy diet, social interactions in our digital age should be balanced. Are you so caugh up in this digital age that you need to disconnect to reconnect with friends and family?

Did you know that according to the research by the food and dining industry, we are snacking much more frequently. In the United States, 90 percent of people are snacking multiple times a day and eating less during traditionally scheduled meals, sometimes foregoing them altogether.

Why is this important you might ask when I am talking about social media? Well, it seems we are also snacking on information, taking bit size chunks thoughout the day, more than we have ever done before too. It seems our attention spans are shorter, our desire to receive information is still there but we want it more quickly and in shorter chunks of time. Interestingly, this is called snackification (yes, that’s a real term).

So why is this technological trend toward briefer, more frequent, more casual interactions important to you?  Because our communication to customers needs to be “snackified” too. At work and at home, there is a definite trend toward shorter, more frequent, more informal interactions while we are doing something else.

Snackification at Home

Have you noticed that your family and friends often send texts rather than call these days. They text what’s on their minds and then send those thoughts straight away in small bites of information. Have you noticed your partner sends lots of little texts during the day so you know they are thinking of you when before they might have thought it silly to just ring you to say the same thing. I used to have hour-long phone conversations with family and friends, but now I rarely have a telephone conversation lasting longer than a few minutes, and recently even these are being replaced by text messages. We are changing the way we maintain relationships aren’t we?

We also consume entertainment and news in bite-sized chunks. In our house we occasionally watching a movie together. But sometimes we spend time together while watching short videos, reading or listening to music tracks on tablets or phones individually: I call it being “alone together” on our couch.

A survey by OpenMarket from May 2016 reported that 75 percent of millennials actually prefer texting over talking. The research suggests that this has been a consistently growing trend for several years, indicating that this is not a fad. I know my son (11-years-old) only send texts to his friends (unless I force them to pick up the phone). In addition, millennials prefer texting because they say it’s less stressful since it doesn’t require them to come up with answers on the spot and allows them time to choose and edit their words.

Snackification at Work

In my own businesses I have noticed over the years, my clients began requesting shorter and shorter session times. If I am asked to do a presentation, more often than not I am asked to do a 10 minute opening followed by a Q &A session rather than a longer presentation going into more depth. Seems everyones busy. I have also noticed that emails are getting shorter, people are using bullet points and often opt to send 2 emails when in the past it would have all been in one long email.

In fact, snackification of communication is typical in most workplaces. Reports used to be long and detailed. Now many professionals consume and share information either in short, bulleted, slide presentation form or in multiple emails with text and video attachments. Meetings that used to last half a day are getting shorter or are eliminated. Interestingly, according to a 2014 survey, 43 percent of workers avoid spontaneous conversations in favor of email and myriad collaboration tools that enable them to have short “conversations” throughout the day.

What is the impact on your business

Since millennials are the next generation into the workforce I suggest if you are not one of them, you find out more about the way they are communicating in order to meet their needs as employees and connsumers.

Check out my next blog where I look at the pros and cons of “snackification” on our personal and business lives. I would love your comments.

Kerri Bainbridge

Collaborate, Mindset, Learning

One half of the Anywhere Team NZ

Learning allows you to cope with change

Learning allows change!

My objective when I started doing Yoga was to undertake a task that would reduce stress and improve my health. I found that I needed core skills and motivation to carry it thru, I found I had to break the objectives down and spend time listening watching and imitating others who knew what they were doing!

When you start to move towards an objective there are lots of small tasks that you need to master in order to move on towards the objective. The irony is that there is always another objective to attain once you have reached that objective! There are a number of motivators that need to be present when you start learning a task:

  1. Enjoy what you are doing
  2. Take failure as a learning experience practice it until you get it right
  3. Remember the feelings of success because they will help you get thru!

The keyword used above is learning. Learning how to do what you are trying to achieve may take a lot of research! You see our businesses tagline includes learning and we have a section of our website dedicated to it!

In business when you are confronted with change or a pinch point holding you back, you need to start learning about methods to cope with that change as standing still is not an option!



Half of Anywhere Business Network

Collaboration with others might save your business

In previous blogs we have discussed business planning particularly risk minimisation. When you go into business there are all sorts of risks. Another tool in your business tool-box is collaboration. What I mean by collaboration is to get together with others and share ideas. I see three distinct methods to collaborate that may benefit your business:

1.       Form a board of advisors

2.       Form alliances and allegiances

3.       Realize that the task in too large for one and form a company with others

This first method involves the buying in of mentor, accountant, and solicitor to buy their advice and time to assist you in your business. These people are paid professionals and in some instances costly. The amount of time you get is subject to the amount of funds you have!

The second method is to form alliances and allegiances with others. These could be you joining professional clubs such as BNI, chamber of commerce organizations etc. This enables you to listen to others successes and failures and find empathy with being in business. Forming allegiances allows you leverage others in the organization that you mutually belong to gain the skills and knowledge for your business and build the business!

The third method is to realize that you cannot do it alone and need to find a like minded individual to join forces with! This is the hardest method, however, both parties must be open, honest and have complete trust! It can work with the right people! Tasks and then shared and you can get a certain amount of synergy!

Combinations of the above three methods also are common and it is important to realize that you don’t have to limited to those items. Collaboration might just save your business or it may be the difference between doing well and doing really well.

We appreciate you giving us your feedback.

You can follow us on facebook or on our website. www.anywherebusinessnetwork.co.nz


Half of the Anywhere Business Network

Mindset, Learning, Collaboration

Capturing attention with video

Yvon is currently Air Tahiti Nui’s Ambassador and is filming in New Zealand for in-flight videos. He understands that in our instant world that there is a contradiction with people spending more and more online but only gaining their attention for a short time. Keep the video short if you want to gain people’s attention!

Yvon is also intending to commence a French Bistro in Colorado and is currently freelancing from his hometown in Tahiti French Polynesia as well as being resident in Paris.

Your feedback is appreciated.

You can follow us on facebook or on our website.


Half of Team Anywhere New Zealand 

Productivity hacks

When you are in business you sometimes revert into claiming the same routine and while some routines are healthy and important sometimes it is important to have a look at where you are at and look at what you can do to increase your value to the business. This is known as productivity!

Productivity can flow to supply arrangements, financing arrangements etc and these are easy to gauge! Your own personal productivity as the boss needs to be looked at from time to time!

Consider noting in a journal what happens in for a whole week. Look at the times each thing happens and the amount of time it took. Record your feelings! What did each task feel like? What could you do to make yourself more efficient. What was the feedback like from the customers?

How can you arrange your day and week to get it more optimal? Remember also that the customer has needs are those being served as well! First and foremost you are working from home is your family and its needs being catered for in the mix?

Once you have reviewed this consider the environment that you are working in, the systems and methods of operation! How can these be changed to increase your productivity!

Business is all about resources which are limited… utilize them to your best advantage!

We welcome feedback.

You can follow us on facebook or on our website.


Half Team NZ Anywhere Business Network

Why should you get a mentor?

As a protégé, protegee or mentee of the mentor, the mentor takes you under their wing. To some extent is a trusting relationship which can help in motivating or exploring your business options. It has communication and feedback as its cores! Mentors stimulate your senses to inspire you to do better with wisdom, knowledge. and experience of the mentor!

Techniques the mentor can use are:

·         Standing with the mentee taking part in the learning process

·         Sowing seeds

·         Provoking a different way of learning

·         Actually showing techniques

·         Nurturing by providing the debrief for learning opportunities

The mentor should be able to recognize when each technique is applicable and has to tailor it to the mindset of the mentee! The mentor needs to recognize the opportunities as they arise and have good communication technique.

In most instances the answers to questions the mentee has can be garnered from the mentee by a question and answer drill down process such as the 5 whys… ie ask the mentee why five times after hearing each answer. The mentee and mentor relationship is dependent on trust!

Mentors and mentees also have to realize their limitations as they may not come from the same type of business. In those instances, the mentee might have to have seeks two or three mentors dependent on their needs! i.e

  • Peer professional group mentors
  • Trade mentor
  • Internal mentors
  • Process mentors
  • Technology mentors

The first time I really discovered mentors was at toastmasters and that taught me the aspects of mentoring. I applied that to my business practice and am seen as a trusted advisor. That has and is a privilege! I am also a mentee and am privileged to have had some good roles models as mentors! I also consider my business partner as a mentor.

For the mentor-mentee relationship to work, you must be open to new ideas… ego needs to be parked!

Since we joined the SFM online community we have had many mentors and many of them were just regular people who have found their niche and were willing to share their experiences. We know what its like to work for ourselves and on our own. We much prefer being in a community of people willing to share ideas and help us to succeed. If you need this you need a mentor. Or you may need to join a group and find a mentor within it.

We value feedback. Tell us about your mentoring experiences or ask us more about mentoring.

We can be followed on facebook or on our website.



Half of the Anywhere Business Network


Patience, Practice and Persistence gets that Pay off!

When you want to achieve a task you won’t always get it right. You take my Yoga! I was 54 when I took up Yoga an uncoordinated middle-aged male! The first step was doing it in the privacy of my own home with the help of Yoga with Chaz. I researched by watching and doing, not getting it right all the time but eventually getting it right. Then I found out about local Yoga. Yoga broadly has two types as I found, no not the flavor like Vinyasa flow, but as I define it, Yin and Yang:


(in Chinese philosophy) the active male principle of the universe characterized as male and creative and associated with heaven, heat, and light.


(in Chinese philosophy) the passive female principle of the universe characterized as female and sustaining and associated with earth, dark, and cold.


For 6 months I would go to this local guy who practiced Yang yoga or human origami as some of the class coined it. Hard work but slowly my body responded I shrunk and lost no weight. My BMI was optimal while sometimes relaxing I felt I needed something more. A new local organization started up which was more Yin orientated. Finally, a bit of balance the Asanas flowed and the peace descended! I had reached a balance.

So now three years later when I have a new asana I have the confidence to tackle it head on, to master it! I still take time but I learned those Quad P’s:

Patience, Practice and Persistence gets that Pay off!

It is the same in business. In our essential reading list, we have a book Jab Jab Jab Right hook. This is an example of content marketing strategy! As we all know Facebook has changed its algorithm. It is no longer acceptable to just put up product links and advertise them! You have to build a relationship that is the Jab and continue jabbing until you have trust form your friends to give them an opportunity to buy!

Note I used the term friends, just like Facebook. Customers whom you have no relationship are unlikely to see your content, so it is worthwhile thinking about it!

So as you can see there is a pay off in business too from the Quad P’s!

Patience, Practice and Persistence gets that Pay off!

Andrew Elphick

One Half of the Anywhere Business Network


Mindset, Learning, Collaboration

1 thing you can do every day to grow your circle of influence

Plant Seeds

Habit one of Stephen Covey’s 7 habits of highly effective people is to be Proactive. He says:

“Proactive people focus their efforts on their Circle of Influence. They work on the things they can do something about: health, children, problems at work. Reactive people focus their efforts in the Circle of Concern–things over which they have little or no control: the national debt, terrorism, the weather. Gaining an awareness of the areas in which we expend our energies in is a giant step in becoming proactive. “

So, Plant Seeds. Many people have ONE GOAL in life and they focus their lives on that one goal. This is not only limiting your potential but poor time management. If you are doing this then -Good luck with that. The real key is to plant many seeds. For every 10 seeds planted in a garden only 5 will successfully become flowers. That’s Garden Math. You need to plant many seeds to yield abundance. Here are some examples of seeds:

  • Send a thank you letter
  • Send an intro letter or email
  • Send ideas to people
  • Exercise
  • Eat well
  • Surprise your significant other
  • Build your own website
  • Come up with an idea
  • Write an article or blog
  • Read a book
  • Think of 100 more seeds
  • Do one thing every day you loved as a kid.

Every day plant some seeds

Feedback is appreciated!

You can follow us on facebook or our website!

#Kerri Bainbridge

one half of the Anywhere Team NZ

How to say no

Do you have trouble saying no?

The New York Times says -It’s in our nature to be socially obliging, and the word no feels like a confrontation that threatens a potential bond. But when we dole out an easy yes instead of a difficult no we tend to overcommit our time, energy and finances.

“The ability to communicate ‘no’ really reflects that you are in the driver’s seat of your own life,” said Vanessa M. Patrick, an associate professor of marketing at the C. T. Bauer College of Business at the University of Houston. “It gives you a sense of empowerment.” That’s why learning to say no comes in handy. Read this article for their tips Why You Should Learn to Say ‘No’ More Often – The New York Times

Some good info on why learning to say no comes in handy. This one is set out in very clear steps…
How to Learn to Say No: 14 Steps (with Pictures) – wikiHow

Some good tips here for saying No, things like…. Ask for more time before committing. Your knee-jerk response to being asked for a favour may be to say “Yes.” Start with a compliment or gratitude. While you should be firm when saying “No,” you’ll also feel better if you’re polite. Give a clear “No.” Thank and encourage the person.

What are your tips for saying no?

Kerri Bainbridge

One half of the Anywhere Business Team NZ

Will 2018 be your year to turn your pet project into an online success?

Will 2018 finally be the year that you turn your pet project into an online success story? Sadly, for most women, this dream is less likely to become a reality. Research from UK bank NatWest found that women are a third less likely to start a business than men, with fear of failure cited as a major barrier.

So what’s stopping us?

What do I think?

I think its time, not willing to set aside to learn how to promote yourself and pretending your work will sell itself. It takes a good mindset that is dedicated to planning and making things happen. Caring that things are happening instead of burying yourself in “being busy”. Being busy is a vicious cycle. Try getting up an hour earlier.

I think people don’t take the time to learn about business planning and marketing, having a good accounting system, invoicing and cash management systems. You need to put time into learning about all aspects of business not just what you want to sell. Cash is king. Maybe you could learn this online, from your accountant or a business mentor.

I also think its lonely working on your own and some people like the flexibility of working for themselves but miss company and ideas other generate. Maybe you should be in business this year with others.

What do you think ? What stops you from becoming a success? Here are some more ideas 


Kerri Bainbridge

One half of the Anywhere Team NZ


The changing digital landscape is changing the way we do business

Are you keeping up with the changing digital landscape? It’s changing the way we do business.

If you have been searching the internet for inspiration about what you might do in the future you are probably aware that the future of work is changing. This is because the digital landscape has change the way we collaborate, our mindset, and the way we gather information (learning). The big question is are you prepared for it? What have you already noticed?

What change have we already been through? At almost 50 (generation X) I have seen lots of change in the way I communicate and the business tools I have used to collaborate and do business. No one stopped and asked if I was ready. I was eager to experience it to be honest and embrased it. I have seen work change from being repetitive and time consuming to become replaced by technology and efficiency. I adapted and changed because I had to and because it was exciting.

My changing landscape

When I started work in the late 80s fax machines were just coming into my workplace, there were no cell phones, no ATM machines and the home computer was for playing games on. There was not social media. If you were going to be late home you had to find a phone box or ring from work. If you broke down you walked to someone house and used their phone. If you wanted to know what a shop had to sell you had to go in or look at a catalogue or advert. We got our news on the radio or TV at the appointed hour. If you wanted to research something you had to go the library. If you wanted to read a book you bought it or got it out of the library.

If you wanted to communicate with a work colleague, family or friends you wrote a memo, letter or picked up the phone. Or better still you walked round the office to went to their home to speak to them in person. People were not so accessable and we had to wait to tell them things. Memos and letters were longer because you saved it all up to put in one document. Now a days we do everything in bit size pieces. Sometimes we send our thought on social media or text as they come to us. Maybe we used a diary for this before or wrote it down in poetry or songs…….imagine not being able to tell your partner something when you thought of it- ping off goes a text.

In the 90s I remember getting my first “flip phone”. It was a great comfort to think I could text my partner about my location so we could meet up after work or I could get help if I broke down in my car. It was quite expensive to make calls so I really treated it as an emergency device for calling. I was listening to music on my stereo or walkman. I was using my camera for photos and having them printed out from a role of film. I needed a video camera for video.

I taught myself to type so I could use my home computer to type up assignments for university (when I went back to uni after 10 years working so we are in the 90s now). I taught myself to use email and started sending emails to friends. I remember one friend saying she thought it was funny how I wrote like I was talking to her. She thought I should only use it to send a quick message and if I wanted to talk I should phone. I remember sending emails at work and treating it like a letter. I would save up things to say and send one long email.

In the early 2000s I was using the internet for booking flights, reseaching things that interest me, and checking emails when I travelled. I was using my home computer to do my accounts, business documents and communicating with work and friends who were out of town. When I travelled I took photos or video on my camera and I left my phone at home. My only form of commuication with people back home was sending a postcard, letter or checking my emails in an internet cafe. I used an walkman playing cds for music. If I wanted a job I had to look in the papers, and post in an application, then go to an interview. If I wanted to buy something I could search about it to see where I need to go to buy it. It wasnt the norm to pay online but you could email an order.

Digital landscape today

These days, I generally don’t go anywhere without my phone. I use it for my emails, internet searches, bookings, games, phone calls, texts, social media, business information storage in the cloud, my calendar, to take bookings for business, listening to music, accessing stored doucents in the cloud, taking photos and videos, read the news, do my banking and to tell me the time. When I travel I take just my phone and I can Skype or Facetime, or use my social media to communicate and share realtime what I am doing, where I am with whome I like.

Workwise I have seen that more and more people are working from home. Some are working remotely for someone else while others are working for themselves. Working around family is a big focus. Information is more accessable, its being stored electronically in the Cloud. People are collaborating through online meetings such as Zoom and Skype. Technology has changed the way we do business. We dont need to be in a clients office to speak to them, do training for them or with them, having a meeting or exchange ideas. If I want a job I apply online, I network with people imporant to my business or future business online. If I get an interview it wouldnt be unusual to be interviewed by Skype. If I want to order something I can seach online for the best price or product. Then I can order and pay right away online and it will be shipped to me.

What does this all mean for the future of work?

Our epectations have changed (mindset). We expect things to be at our finger tips. We expect businesses to get back to us quickly and to find what we want in an instant. We no longer expect to have to go to the shops for items.  Dispite social media we are still meeting up to socialise (collaboration). We are just sharing the experience with more than just those who are there.

People want thing fast, in bite sizes and they want to share their experience. They need to see and experience your product so photos or video are important. You need a presence online so you can be found, so your consumer can learn about you, and you need a way of interacting online with customers to create a following. Are you providing that? What does your digital landscape look like for your business? Do you have brochures, messages or busy ads that are long and boring. Are you refusing to get conected with social media and unsure how to take video, share experiences and photos of what you do? This is the future NOW.

What can you do to improve your digital landscape right now?

Its often easier to cope with this change when you are young. I think thats because you dont have other things like kids and financial pressures to worry about. Some people are better with change. But change is all the current generation know. The digital landscape is in their face and its changing fast. If you are a gernation X like me then you need to think about the changing nature of work and the fact that the next generation, the millenials are now in the workforce in bigger numbers and they have grown up with laptops, phones, social media and the world of instant gratification. They are your workforce and your consumers and are just plain expecting different things than you have grown up with. As parents we are grappling with the changing digital landscape our kids are exposed to. My advice is to learn about it now. Engage with them in their world as this is the next generating of your customers. I will explore more about the millenials in my next blog. You cant afford to miss it.

Kerri Bainbridge

One half of the Anywhere Team NZ

Colaboration, Mindset, Learning.



Proven stress reducing tips to help you achieve work-life balance

One of the biggest problems with working for yourself is that we seem to never switch off. We are always dipping in and out of our work because it is always around us. We find it difficult to switch off and work-life balance can suffer when many of us work for ourselves to achieve better work-life balance. Whether you work for yourself or someone else, having a good work-life balance is important for your relationships, your health, your contribution to society and your job performance. If one suffers then many times so do the others.

This neat little 5 min video is a peach for practical work-life balance and proven stress reducing tips, all of which I’d support and encourage.…but don’t watch it eating lunch at your desk!

We hear a lot about going ‘off the grid’ to strike that elusive work-life balance. But what if we can’t afford to jet off to a remote island for a digital detox, or to lock our smartphones in a safe for a week?

BBC Ideas spoke with Bruce Daisley, Twitter’s VP of Europe, who offers six tips to unplug just enough – so that a mini-sabbatical or an email sojourn won’t make you look like a slacker, or make you feel that you’re out of the office loop.

One strategy is even called ‘monk mode’. A morning ritual not quite as ascetic as it sounds, it involves holing up at home for 90 minutes a day before coming into the office. That way, you’re not as chained to your desk as you’d normally be, but are still putting in that needed face time.

Did you watch the video? Tell me what you think.

Kerri Bainbridge

One half of the Anywhere Team NZ
