Mindset, Learning, Collaboration

Dealing  Stress

Stress can be good and bad. It is how you deal with it. When I worked for the government in a compliance role stress was an everyday occurrence. There wasn’t much help to deal with it and frankly, a lot of the people I worked with on reflection exhibited signs of stress! It took me years to develop my own strategies for dealing with it! Stress can manifest itself into health problems that can become long-term issues. A way of dealing with it that I have found useful are:

  1. Exercise particularly yoga
  2. Meditation A clearing of the headspace
  3. Collaboration and Networking Sharing the pain points and celebrating the wins
  4. Learning about the warning signs and using counter strategies
  5. Seeking mentors (the link to some good mentors here) to check in with and above all listen too
  6. Develop a daily routine that allows the time for counter stress activities


Dealing  stress save your heart

My secret is striving for the balance of mind body and soul, be present in the moment and make sure the activities that I choose to undertake can have joy and happiness as an objective.


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