Mindset, Learning, Collaboration

Quality Assurance is defined as the maintenance of a desired level of quality in a service or product, especially by means of attention to every stage of the process of delivery or production.
The Japanese have a term “Kaizen”, also known as continuous improvement, is a long-term approach to work that systematically seeks to achieve small, incremental changes in processes in order to improve efficiency and quality.
In my own business, I review my work and say to myself how can I make an improvement. I strive to look at the way it is done and the output to the client. I ask for feedback and incorporate it into the service.
Quality Assurance Cycle

I carry this over to my own life. I try and improve what I am doing.


While the changes I make might not seem like much, incrementally the add up to large changes. Here is an example!  I plan, then do, check what I have done and then act to make the change. This is continuous! When I check I look at the problems, display where it is happening, be clear about what the problem is and acknowledge the problem.
An element of humility is required to not state I am wrong but to acknowledge that I need to make the change!

Mentoring from peers and those who have been there and done that. That is why I partner myself with others. They have a free 30 day trial at present!

Half of Anywhere Business Network