Mindset, Learning, Collaboration


The internet is full of video of content where people are freely giving you ideas to assist you in your business. Some of the ideas are good, some not so good! In my search for collaborative partners, I looked far and wide! If I was going to take my business to the next level and effectively transport myself into the cyber array, I clearly needed help! I wanted information that was here and now, not something handed down three years ago by some academic when they were learning about business. I had to collaborate with people who were actually doing! I studied not only how they were doing it but also their motivation! The reason for this is that to achieve what I had to do I had to put in some hard work that was going to create some serious stress! I also had to maintain work-life balance! So I started my collaborative journey here! The more I collaborated the more I saw my life needs to change. I started to look at mind body and soul balance and let the stress melt away with meditation and yoga. I started to understand what I was doing and that in itself brought a smile to my face!

I began to understand the differences in peoples offering I learned that hard sell and bullying had no place and did not lead to that joy and happiness on the journey. I learned that content was king! I learned in order to be congruent I needed to walk the walk, not talk the talk!

Collaboration Mindset Learning

Anywhere Business Network Logo

I am now in a much better position with my digital skills, however still need constant collaboration!


Andrew Elphick

One half of the Anywhere Business Network