Mindset, Learning, Collaboration

Mindset Reset

We all know how business can be stressful.

Stress can manifest itself in a short temper, fear, lack of creativity and can lead to health problems. One of the tools against stress it meditation. A simple technique that I have learned is to find a quiet place without distraction and count 21 breaths, don’t focus on how you are breathing just the breaths. If things come in your thoughts just acknowledge them and let them go. You are aiming at nothing except the breath count. What you are doing is slowing the racing brain, the monkey brain which is full of chatter. If you haven’t got there by 21 breaths, try it in further groups of 7 breaths. Once there just breath. Once you are relaxed, start to think of the things that really matter in your life and business. Focus your meditation on those real problems and develop a way forward. In this way, you are being positive while counting stress. There have been thousands of studies about the benefits of meditation perhaps these techniques will help you!

Half of the Anywhere Business Network