Mindset, Learning, Collaboration

What is your Motivation?

Motivation can take many forms. The best motivation I have found is one where I have feelings. Negative emotions make me make mistakes and I end up with costly rework when I am fired up with a passion for something I love my productivity goes thru the roof! So it was a no-brainer for me to pursue my passions and deal with the negative by acceptance or outsourcing! I also started to chip away at the negative by changing my mindset, allowing the diversity of opinion and using meditation to reinforce the acceptance of things that spurred negative emotion. I also used time management to get the daily routine into one where I was in control of my emotions.
owed me to be fired up

  • That allowed the love!

  • That allowed the passion!

  • That all and perform!

What are you doing to fire that passion 365 days a year? Motivation is required!



Half of Anywhere Business Network